

Page history last edited by abogado 16 years, 5 months ago


I am returning to this issue to share the solution we, at LATTC, have implemented based on the research I did on our site.  I hope that by sharing my research it can increase the base of shared knowledge.
Research findings:
  1. Instructors who used the IMPORT function to transfer content from one shell to the next could not see their quiz categories or questions.  Reason: the previous versions of Moodle kept the quiz categories and questions in a single system directory.  The new version of Moodle keeps the quiz categories and questions in the course level directory.
  2. If an instructor used the BACK-UP and RESTORE functions to move content from a previous term class into the new term class, the quiz categories and questions were move correctly and could be seen.  This is the recommendation given to us by Remote-Learner at the Moodle Moot I attended in June.  They said the Import function was intended only to move small amounts of data and never entire content of a class.
  3. Site administrators can see all of the questions from the new individual shells and the system area but the instructors can only see what is in their new course directory.  This is the process that enables the administrator to move the shells from the system area into the new directory.  (see last paragraph below for more details on this.)


  1. Instructors who used the IMPORT function for the Fall 2008 term can go back to the area where the original content came and edit quiz questions there. 
  2. Instructors can return to the original content and do a back-up of their quizzes without user content and move it to the new area.  They would then need to recreate the quizzes based on the categories in their shell.
  3. In the future, ALL instructors need to use the BACK-UP and RESTORE function to move content correctly.

I believe this is a situation where the user process must be changed to adapt to the new system as opposed to the system being asked to be changed to allow users to continue their habits of use.

There is another "patch" that can be done by the site administrator for each college.  The categories can be moved from the system directory into a single course shell.  When one instructor has multiple sections referring to the same quiz category, it will need to be edited from the single new location.  All links appear to work when the content is moved, but I'm NOT recommending this process.  I personally do not want to move all of those quiz categories for every class for every teacher.  I am simply telling my instructors to go back and edit in the old location if editing needs to be done.




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