Why Moodle ?
The Los Angeles District decided to use moodle for training of its staff. They felt that moodle was a solid, open-source program, which only costs for hosting and so it would be the best way to provide an inexpensive but reliable training system. The LACCD decided to roll it out to all of the colleges and each college now has a moodle site.
The hosting service (where the actual computers are located that run our moodle classes) are in McLean Virginia and hosted by Remote-Learner.net - whose data center is a tier-one facility, located in a building that provides well above OC-48 (2.5 gigabits per second) fiber-optic connectivity from MCI and other worldwide backbone providers. Customers in most parts of the world will experience fast Internet connectivity. This ensures that moodle is never down so our students can work 24/7/365 on their online classes. If you do have any connectivity problems contact Prof. David Jordan - 818-415-2015 on his cell phone or abogado@pacbell.net regarding any problems you might have with moodle. He is the Distance Education Coordinator at Mission College, and also the faculty administrator of the moodle website.
What is Moodle ?
- Origin of the name - The word Moodle is actually an acronym for Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment, although originally the M stood for "Martin", named after Martin Dougiamas, the original developer.
How do you login to get started in moodle ?
1. go go http://moodle.lamission.edu/login/signup.php
2. type in your own username and passcode - write it down so you do not forget it
3. type in a real email address, and then type it in to confirm it
4. type in first name, last name, country, city and country
5. click on "create account"
6. your registration is not complete
7. you need to go to your home email, and click on the confirmation email, then you are registered for moodle
8. you only have to do this one time
9. now that you have registered then go to your class under moodle
10. click on it, and then enroll. you are then ready to start work on your class
How do I contact my online instructor ?
Either you can find his/her email address at http://missiononline.pbwiki.com/faculty or you can go to your moodle classroom, click on "participants" and you will see you instructor's email and you can email them.
Moodle Resources
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